14-20May2006 :: This Week
20May2006 [weekly]
- went to the Reelife Short Film Festival at the Dendy, Newtown; a friend's short, Brown Trash won the audience favourite
- watched Last Man Standing; loved the sandy colours and the dust everywhere
- finished reading Bernard Cornwell's Stonehenge; a very creative piece of historical fantasy, and makes me love Stonehenge even more
- watched A Merry War, a rather charming adaptation of Orwell's Keep the Aspidistra Flying; strange though, in that I never thought that story was particularly open to screen adaptation; also realised that Orwell wrote what I now consider present-day science fiction -- it's not really scifi, but it contains all the same dark depressive themes -- akin to William Gibson's works being set in the same near future until finally the real world catches up and he writes Pattern Recognition
- watched Sweet Home Alabama; Reese Witherspoon plays dumb blonde/southern girl and I wonder if she can ever do any different
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