12-18March2006 :: This Week
18Mar2006/02Apr2006 [weekly]
- read 'Chance' from Alice Munro's collection of short stories Runaway; very short-film-ic
- watched Syriana
- watched Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress; beautiful, emotional, intelligent yet simple, heartwarming
- read Barthes' essay Reflections on a Manual
- read Martin Harrison's essay What Can Poets Teach?, from a book of essays on Australia's cultural future
- watched The Constant Gardener; awful movie, a whole lot of 'exotic Africa' and absolutely nothing going for it
- watched Pride & Prejudice; haven't read the book nor seen previous adaptations, but thought this one played well and was well acted; Matthew Macfadyen is a great actor, he played a great Darcy
- watched Les Invasions Barbares; interesting generational things in there as friends gather to farewell a dying socialist. I rented it from Blockbuster where the subtitles aren't properly encoded, meaning I couldn't turn them off and just listen to the French; they aren't particularly good translations either; must remember not to hire foreign movies from Blockbuster in future.
« We’ve Been Underestimating Those Buildings :: Why I Do This; Some Justifications »
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