Peter M Howard ::


21Jun2005 [personal]

I'm sitting in an empty bus somewhere in South-West England as I write this; I will type it up later. I'll have more on the holiday later, but for now, an updates post.

Going back a little, got a mention on Violet Kiteway's blog. She's from Perplex City; she'd requested our help with a riddle she needed to crack to steal some files from a Reconstructionist compound; I sent in what seemed a satisfactory answer... From the limited (and one-sided) information we have, it seems that the Recons are fundamentalist Cubists... When I sent in the answer, I also asked Violet some questions about their relationship to Cubism, and she was nice enough to address them in her following post.

Back in France, Earth, have finished exams with a very satisfactory result (even though I missed one worth 10%). Have also passed my medical check, hopefully allowing me to stay in the country a little longer. A chest XRay showed no signs of TB, but the French shot me up with the stuff anyway; was able to fight it off (though one of the girls had a localised allergic reaction - so it's not a nice thing to do to someone).

Am now in England, where I will meet family from Aus in a week. After some touristing here will spend a couple nights in Paris - assuming the French let me back into the country - where I will play the part of 'local', having finally visited myself just last Wednesday.

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